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The Association of "les Amis du Musée Nivernais de l'Éducation", created in 1988 by and around Henri Lavedan, who was the manager of the CDDP of Nevers, wants to : 

Henri Lavedan

 PROTECT the Nièvre Education inheritance.

ENRICH the collections acquired by the museum and make it vivid.

GENERATE AND GIVE SUPPORT to the Research in Education history.

Because the association did not want to lapse into nostalgia and in the more or less idealized image of the school, they closed to their heart the vivid education past of our department..

Therefore seen in hindsight of numerous generations, the school can acquire a new sense, maybe less because of the materials and technics evolutions than because of the goals, the teaching contents and educational methods which are dealt about when you visit the museum.

For ten years and particularly since November 1994 (the date of our settlement in more spacious and functional premises of the old neighbourhoods of the town), our volunteers’ team has made great efforts thanks to the town and its MP and mayor.
.  We can have improved our activities, created new ones, presented theme exhibitions and welcome a more and more numerous school and adult public in good conditions.

Our collections get often richer thanks to the numerous gifts from people aware of the research and the preservation of our school inheritance. Our local historians have carried out many researches whose results are subject to communications and arguments during the decentralized trips in the administrative division.

Since 1988, we have often published the books called “Cahiers Nivernais d’Histoire de l’Education” thanks to the support of Nièvre area’s local council. These books of around 100 pages, which more than their role of internal report for the association, show our work and fruit of our researches..

Other activities impress the association life :

Elaboration of oral records

Execution of a “gallery of souvenirs”, rendezvous point with memories, by the
         elaboration of a picture library.

Reenactment of the department film library (1200 films 16 mm).

The AMNE is willing to push people to think about the teaching contents, its programs, its resources, its practices and its philosophy by having a distant eye to this school world . By consequence, offering an old and nostalgic image of the former school is certainly not the goal of the association.