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Our school’s memory

After some years (from 1986 to 1994) in an only one classroom of André Cloix school in Nevers, the Musée Nivernais de l’Education can have set up in more spacious and fonctionnal offices of the ex “école de la maîtrise”,  8 rue du Cloître St Cyr. This can have been made possible as from the first day of school in 1994 and thanks to the City hall which put the offices at our disposal. 

The museum can have emphasized its collections and expanded them regularly thanks to numerous gifts of people aware of the research and the preservation of our school inheritance.

Fruit of researches made since 1967 by some teachers of the Centre Départemental de Documentation Pédagogique de Nevers managed by Raymond Frébault at that time, the museum is made for very diversified public both in ages and in its culture. It is a space of discoveries for the youth, an education instrument for the school of today and it is a space of souvenirs in which great generations will find the emotions of their childhood.

Set up in neighborhood full of history, along one of the two blue lines which compose the tourist circuit of the town, it is managed by the Association des "Amis du Musée Nivernais de L'Education" (A.M.N.E) created in 1988..

The museum reopened on Saturday, July 1st  2017 at 54 Boulevard Victor Hugo.

    Throughout the actions of the association who manages it, the museum is willing to :

Contribute to the Nièvre education patrimony protection

Unwealth the collections of the museum

Take part to any research in Education history.


“Les Amis du Musée Nivernais de l’Education 
(The club of the Friends of the Education Museum of Nièvre) 

will be pleased to welcome you and make you discover :

- At the ground floor : 


  Espace Freinet with atelier imprimerie

  A 1900’s classroom

Teachers' hall and learning areas 

  A library of 1200 films 16 mm 

  The Son-Physique-Informatique room   

  A library rich of more than 13 500 books open by appointment for research

Its different rooms want to show how the teaching material and techniques

from the quill…   to the mouse.


   Reprography devices (appliance)

   Elocution maps and boards (pictures)

   Sound devices

   Projection devices

   The kitchen of the teacher of the 1920’s

   Its gallery of souvenirs 

   Its temporary exhibitions


In order to prepare or make use of your visits, the Musée Nivernais de l’Education puts at your disposal :


The books about the Education history “Les cahiers nivernais d’histoire de l’éducation”, published every year since 1988
by the Club “Les Amis du Musée Nivernais de l’Education”. An about 100 pages A4 size book about the Education history in the
Nièvre administrative division.